Training should be a treat.
Our philosophy is grounded in positive reinforcement, play, and solid dog psychology.
Positive Play. Canine Success.
We are certified, professional dog trainers with over 30 years of experience working with service to rescue dogs, puppies, adolescents and seniors. People seek out a dog trainer so they can build a better bond with their dog. People work with Dog Trained because our approach to building that bond is unique to each client.
Our dedication, from certification to continued education through seminars, online classes and working with our community, provides you with the variety and options to take you exactly where you want to go with your canine best friend. This is the relationship of a lifetime. Invest in your relationship with the best, Invest with Dog Trained.
We will not intentionally train with fear, force or pain.
We will choose welfare, play, choice and data to assist you in reaching your goals.
Our team shares a strong passion for continuing education both academically and in pursuit of industry standards. Whether we are teaching good manners, reducing reactivity or entering competition we are proud to offer the best training plans using the environment, your lifestyles, your dog’s history and genetics to achieve your goals. And we will do this without purposely putting your dog into situations that will cause fear, stress, and anxiety. For the lifetime of your dog, choose teachers that answer the questions "what happens when my dog does something right?” and “what happens when my dog does something wrong?" with the spirit of improving your relationship with love, compassion and fun.
Our group classes are located in NW DC.
We have trainers available across DC, Chevy Chase, Bethesda, Potomac, Silver Springs, Takoma Park Alexandria and Arlington.
Virtual appointments available anywhere.
“It was a pleasure working with you. Rocco and I just got back from a 3 mile walk and he did spectacular! We definitely appreciate the tips you taught us and will continue to work with him. Training has made all of the difference and he is a different dog when that is on. We are mindful to break up our walks with play, but are so glad that you introduced us to that.
Your demeanor, patience, and kindness are the perfect trifecta for working with animals. I know that you will make an impact on many pet owners. I know Rocco got so excited every single time you came to work with him. ”
— Tanya, Dog Trained Client